Calcium Chloride

Mescody supplies solid (calcined) and liquid calcium chloride to the market. Solid calcium chloride is granules of white color. The formula is СаСl2. Liquid calcium chloride is solution of yellowish-gray or greenish color, clear or with light haze. The formula is СаСl2*nH2O.
Calcium chloride is most commonly used in the oil and gas and petrochemical industry (as a component of fluids for extinguishing wells, drilling mud fluids), in the chemical industry (as dehydrators in production of ethers, gases, for production of paints), in construction and operation of motor roads (as deicing agents).
Solid calcium chloride is packed in one-time soft special containers with a mass not more than 1,000 kg. It is transported by any type of transport in accordance with Goods Transport Rules applicable for this type of vehicle. Liquid calcium chloride is transported in railway cisterns with top discharge and tank containers on flat cars.
Guaranteed shelf life of calcium chloride is 8 months from the manufacture date.
Calcium chloride has a Compliance certificate and an Applicability Certificate in TEKSERT system to be used in the oil production and oil processing industry.